Tuesday, August 17, 2021

how to selection of blood donor

 blood donor must meet several requrement to be eligible to donat blood.

(1) donor should be adult between 17 and 65 year of age.

(2)An adult doneting 450ML. of blood must have minimum  wight of 50 kg .

(3) oral tempreture shold be 37.5C .

(4) puls rate between 50 and 100 beats/min without any pathologic irregularity.

(5)blood pressur shold be less than 180.

(6) donor should without any drug influence,including alcohol or excessively nervous.

(7) without any history of jaundice,viral heoatitis,asthma,AIDS,Creuzfeldt - jekob disease (CJD) Infection diseases.

(8) person with sexully transmitted diseases are deferred for one year after receiving the negative report.

(9) adrug addict should be barred also reject from blood donation.

(10)cases with skin piercing acupuncture performed under questionable condition tattoos and skin allograph may also be reason for deferral.

(11) inmates of penal or metal institution should be barred from blood donation for 12 months.

(12) A pregnant woman should not be allowed to donate for 6 weeks after the end of pregnancy.


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